Our commitment is to respect life & celebrate it daily. Read what people are saying about our communities.
We would like to sincerely thank all of you for the extended love and care you gave our mother/grandmother. We know she was feisty at times, but you always continued to see past that, find the real mom and care for her. We feel very blessed to have you all in her life, you all do an amazing job. Thank you for your time and dedication.
It is touching to see the love that gets poured on the residents by so many staff here. They are treated with care, genuine love, great patience and respect.
I am a better person for witnessing this love and patience in action. The positive attitude of, “We are here to help you,” was evident in all departments. What a great place to live!
You are all amazing and heaven sent. You give love, dignity and bring smiles to my Dad and all of the residents!
This is just a short note to convey our heartfelt thanks for the wonderful care you have provided Mom these past 3+ years. We were saddened as her dementia progressed and it became all too obvious that she could no longer care for herself in her home of over 40 years. While the decision to place a parent is difficult, we were happy as we observed first hand the compassionate and respectful care given to Mom and all residents. During the first few months, Mom had her difficulties in adjusting to her new surroundings, but with time she responded well to the bright and cheerful surroundings, the yummy food (she gained 20 pounds over the first year), and the programmed events provided to her and other residents for life enrichment. The dedication of the administrators and care staff in attending to her needs and the kindness and respect given to her has been exemplary. And, when she has needed medical care, the care staff and outside medical personnel quickly provided 1st class care. We sleep easier each night knowing that she is well taken care of, and that she is being treated with love, great patience and respect. Thank you again for showing her love and taking care of her on her journey.
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